
Children/Youth Developmental and Learning Abilities』  Assessment

A ) Aged under 3 

Assessment Items
  • Content:  Sensory Response, Motor Skills, Cognitive Abilities, Social Communication, Language, Self-care etc
  B ) Aged 3 and above
Assessment Items

B 1) Sensory Integration and Motor Skills
  • Content: Body Posture and Control, Sense of Balance, Body Coordination and Planning, Visual Tracing, Hand and Eye Reaction, Visual Awareness, Sense of Space, Abilities in copying/writing, Holding Pen Abilities  etc.

B 2) Self Development and Social Communication Skills
  • Content: Self Awareness Ability,  People Relationship, Mind Reading and Expression, Role Concept, Social Rules, Emotion Response and Handling, Social Game Technique, Interactive Communication etc.

B 3) Cognitive Learning Abilities
  • Content: Concentration, Memory, non-verbal Logic Thinking,  Imagination, Organizing, Orders, Problem Solving, Flexibilities, Mathematic Basic Concept, Reading and Writing in English and Chinese  etc

B 4) Language and Speech Abilities
  • Content: Language Comprehension, Expression, Pronunciation, Language Usage, Fluency, Tone and Oral Function etc

B5) Integration Abilities
  • Content: Assess the child based on the difficulties he/she is presenting if the child suffers from developmental imbalance, including sensory integration, motor skills, self awareness, interpersonal relationship, cognitive learning abilities, language and speech abilities. If needed, an investigation on family constellation and the child’s past traumatic experience could allows us to discover the reasons behind the problems the child is presenting and methods to resolve the problem.
 Fee: HK$1,800 per hour (Average Approx. 2-3 hours)
1. Assessment is in charged by Child Developmental Consultant, Ms. Ann Chen who works with other team members of various professional disciplines such as Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and Educational Psychologist。
2. The time required above includes interview parents and child, Assessment and Clinical Observation (through games activities)。
3. Result will discuss with parents on the same day if only one assessment item is conducted。       
4. If more than one assessment items are to be conducted, the result meeting will be held within two weeks after completion of all assessment items. (approx 45 minutes,  for free)。
5. If written report is needed, it costs HK$850/page, usually 2-5 pages/report
6. If there are any questions on selecting assessment items, you are welcomed to contact Child Developmental Consultant, Ms. Ann Chen.  Ms. Chen will help you to select the appropriate assessment item/s after having a brief understanding of the child’s background information.
7. Booking or Inquiries:   Telephone:  2528 4096    Whatsapp 5720 8321.  Fax: 2528 4347
     Email :


『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Assessment<br />
      - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
      - Self-Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
      - Concentration and Calmness<br />
      - Cognitive<br />
      - Language<br />
      - Integration Abilities
自閉症譜系徵狀篩選 - 廣東話/國語/英文 (2歲或以上)
  • 為學童進行ADOS標準化測試 (ADOS : Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)及 社交反應衝量 (Social Responsiveness Scale-2nd Edition)
  • 評估前與家長電談
  • 臨床觀察學童的言語、社交互動、 溝通、行為等表現
  • 感覺統合問卷調查
  • 與家長討論篩選結果
  • 向家長提供訓練建議及跟進事項
  • 篩選結果及跟進事項報告一份
費用: $ 3,800 包篩選結果報告一份

兒童發展治療顧問:             陳玉珍女士
 註冊一級職業治療師、醫療研究碩士、佛學碩士,國際嬰兒按摩協會(IAIM)導師、DISC行為分分析認可顧問、筋膜放鬆療法 (Myofascia Release)、體感療癒高級- 創傷療法(Somatic Experiencing – Trauma Healing)、擁有超過25年特殊 教學及督導經驗,並為自閉症兒童創立 “ 識心療法” 
自閉症譜系評估 - 廣東話 (2歲或以上)
  • 按學童需要替學童進行合適問卷及標準化測試
  • 評估前與家長面談
  • 臨床觀察學童的言語、社交互動、 溝通、行為等表現
  • 評估後與家長討論評估結果
  • 向家長提供治療建議
  • 標準評估報告一份
  • 提供轉介到教育統籌局或衛生署轄下的兒童體能智力測驗中心 (CAC) 接受服務       (如需要)

費用: $ 8,000包標準評估報告一份

Language and Speech Abilities Assessment
  • Assessment mainly in :
  • Articulation Difficulties
  • Developmental Language Delay (Language Comprehension & Expression)
  • Social Communication Barriers
  • Voice Disorders
  • Fluency Disorders
  • Neurogenic Communication Disorders
  • Analysis child’s language developmental path and abilities
  • Discuss with parent on the assessment result
  • Recommend treatment/training required
Fee: Hk$1,800 per hour

  1. Assessment is conducted by either Speech Therapy Consultant or Speech Therapist
  2. The time required includes interview with parents and child, assessment and clinical observation (through games activities)。
  3.  If written report is needed, it costs HK$850/page, usually 2-5 pages/report
  4. Within two weeks after assessment, parent meeting will be held to discuss the result (30 minutes, free) 
Speech Therapy Consultant - Ms. Elinda Liu
  • Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science (Hon.) from Hong Kong University
  • Member of The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists
  • Certified Deep Pharyngeal Neuromuscular Stimulation Provider for Dysphagia (DPNS)
  • Certified VitalStim Therapy Provider for Dysphagia
  • Over 10 years of working experience in helping children with special needs
  • Expertise in integration with traditional speech therapy with developmental mind and body therapy to assist students to overcome their speech challenges in a comprehensive way.


Intelligence Assessment  (Age: 6 to 16 years 11 months)
  • Wechesler Intelligence Scale for Children - WISC IV
  • Meeting with parents and discuss the assessment result
  • One set of detailed report
  • If needed, referral will be offered to the Education Bureasu or Department of Health Child Assessment Centre for further services
         Fee: Hk$7,500

Intelligence Assessment

Dyslexia Assessment ( Age: 6 to 14 years 11 months)
  • Intelligent Assessment - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - WISC IV
  • Dyslexia Assessment Test include :
             - Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processsiong (CTOPP 2)
             - Wechesler Individual Achievement Test® - Third Edition (WIAT® - III)
  • Meeting with parent and discuss the assessment result
  • One set of detailed written report

        Fee: HK$9,000  (Dyslexia Assessment only)*
                HK$14,000 ( Dyslexia Assessment + Intelligence Assessment) 

   * For those students who provide a within 3 years Intelligent Assessment Report 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment (ADHD)
( Age: 6 to 14 years 11 months)
  • Intelligent Assessment - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - WISC IV
  • ADHD Assessment Test include : (select according to student's need)  
             - Conners Continuous Performance Test - III

             - Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEACH)
  • Meeting with parent and discuss the assessment result
  • One set of detailed written report

        Fee: HK$9,,000 (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment only) *
                HK$14,000 (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment + Inttelligence Assessment)

      * For students who provide with 3 years Intelligent Assessment Report 

學前兒童綜合發展評估測試 - 廣東話 ( 3歲4個月 – 6歲3個月 )
  •  提供 《香港學前兒童綜合發展量表》 學前兒童成長發展 全面評估評估
  • 包括7大發展範圍:
  1.   認知  (Cognition)
  2.   語言  (Language)
  3.   社交認知  (Social Cogniton)
  4.   視覺感知  (Visual Perception)
  5.   小肌肉  (Fine Motor)
  6.   大肌肉  (Gross Motor)
  7.   早期認讀 及識數  (Early Literacy & Numeracy)
  • 分析兒童發展整體成長情況及能力
  • 與家長面談及討論評估結果
  • 向家長提供治療建議
  • 標準評估報告一份
  • 轉介服務 (如需要)
              * 衛生署轄下的兒童體能智力測驗中心(CAC)接受服務
              * 社會福利處接受排位服務,包括 早期教育及訓練中心 (EETC),
                 兼收弱能兒童中心 (ICCC) 或 特殊幼兒中心 (SCCC)
           費用: HK$ 8,000

              *如需轉介至社會福利署接受排位,另需費用 HK$1,800
Preschool Children Comprehensive Assessment

Children/Youth Development and Learning Abilities』 Training
                                                                         Training Items
  1. Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination
 Sensory Training (Vestibule, Joints, Touch, Vision,, Audition) 、Muscle Tension、Posture Control/Balance, Limbs and Trunk Control, Motor Planning, Hands/Eyes/Mouth/Gross Motor Control, Limbs and Left/Right Coordination, Visual Tracking, Eye-Hand Coordination, Spatial Concept/Sense of Space, Pen Holding, Drawing/Writing etc
  1. Self-Awareness、Interpersonal Relationships and Interaction
Self-Awareness、Emotion Development、Mind Reading and Expression、Social Interaction、Body Language、Role Concept、Communication Skills、Social Rules etc
  1. Concentration and Calmness
Self-calming、Self-control、Awareness、Multi-sensory attention、Attention、Persistence、Multi-tasks skills etc
  1. Cognitive
Exploration(Body/Space/Objects)、Abstraction、Association、Logical thinking、Flexibility、Grouping、Multi-dimensional thinking、Creativity、Planning(Goal Setting、Organizing、Review、Revise)、Problem Solving、Sequencing、Memorization  etc
  1. Language
Pre-lingual skills : Auditory、Discrimination、Imitation
Vocabulary:Types、Natures、Relationships(synonymy and Antonym)、Meaning、Usages
Syntax and Language Usage: Fluency、organizing、Sentence structure、Lexical inferencing、Questioning、Answering、Narrating and Expression、Discussion、Sharing…etc
Comprehension:Summary、Main  idea、Paragraph structure
Communication Skills:Inducing / Continuing / Transference / Ending、Response、Questioning、Word choice、Answering… etc
Vocalization:Articulation、Fluency、Voice etc
  1. Integrated Training
Training contents is based on individual children’s special needs
  Individual Training ‧ 45 minutes per session ‧ minimum 2 sessions per week

Remark:Training objective is subjected to the assessment result and will be discussed with parents.。    ' Inquiries Telephone: 2528 4096

『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Training<br />
        - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
        - Self -Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
        - Concentration and Calmness<br />
        - Cognitive<br />
        - Language『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Training<br />
        - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
        - Self -Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
        - Concentration and Calmness<br />
        - Cognitive<br />
        - Language
Language and Speech Abilities Training

Training mainly in the area:
  • Pre-lingual skills : Auditory、Discrimination、Imitation
  • Vocabulary :Types、Natures、Relationships(synonymy and Antonym)、Meaning、Usages
  • Syntax and Language Usage: Fluency、organizing、Sentence structure、Lexical inferencing、Questioning、Answering、Narrating and Expression、Discussion、Sharing…etc
  • Comprehension:Summary、Main  idea、Paragraph structure
  • Communication Skills : Inducing / Continuing / Transference / Ending、Response、Questioning、Word choice、Answering… etc
  • Vocalization : Articulation、Fluency、Voice etc
 Fee: HK$990/45 minutes (conducted by Speech Therapist )
          HK$1,100 /45 minutes (conductedd by Speech Therapy Consultant)

Remark:Training objective is subjected to the assessment result and will be discussed with parents.

Characteristic of Language and Speech Abilities Training
  • Training program is developed in line with the student’s overall developmental path
  • Fundamental Brain Training (eg. Body Sensory & Motor Coordination , Visual Processing, Auditory Processing, Exploration, Thinking )
  • Target Speech Training (eg. Verbal Logic Thinking, Oral function, Comprehension, Social skill)
  • Instant release of pressure from social communication and academics
  • Training for parents to release of pressure from social communication and academics at home
  • Obvious improvement in 3-4 months

Language and Speech Abilities Training Language and Speech Abilities Training Language and Speech Abilities Training
Academic Tutoring

Chinese : character  recognization, reading, dictation & writing; copy writing; reading comprehension, essay writing

English : letter of alphabet recognization, reading, dictation & writing; copy writing;  pronunciation; spelling;  reading comprehension;  essay writing

Mathematics : concept; calculation;  word problems… etc

Child  Developmental  Consultant - Plan
Child Developmental Therapist or Trainer-Execute

Fee: HK$990/Session/ 45min

Happy Together 「社交溝通小組」星期六班

1. 提升安全感、讓孩子可享受社交樂趣、以提升社交動機
2. 建立孩子與人互動的能力(包括:觀看、聆聽、理解、跟隨、回應及表達自己)
3. 提升孩子面對被拒絕及妥協的能力

內容 : 
1. 多元活動  例: 大肌/感統/遊戲/玩具/煮食/美藝/故事等
2. 靜心活動
3. 分享. 感恩. 反思
4. 家長淺談

督導 :
兒童發展治療顧問  陳玉珍姑娘
導師 :
Quenie 姑娘 資深特教導師
具十多年SEN 教導經驗
對象 : 
 主流幼稚園及小學, 害怕或不懂社交溝通之孩子 (情緒穩定及願意守規)
日期:1月 8,15,22,29。2月 5,12,19,26  ( 逢星期六 )
時間 :   (每組 2-4人, 依能力及歲數分組)
A組 :K2  至  P.1     9:30am - 10:30 am 
B組 :P.1  至  P.4   11:15am - 12:45 pm
C組 :K2  至  P.1     1:45pm -  2:45 pm
D組 :P.1  至  P.4     3:30pm - 4:30 pm

費用 : HK$ 4,000  (共8節 @1小時)
報名及詳情 : 社交溝通小組

歡迎查詢 : 電話 2528 4096   Whatsapp 5720 8321 

School/ Home Support

    良好的智能 及理解力
    學生不喜歡自己分心 / 過動的行為,或知道專注的好處,自己想作出改變
    上課形式可分為兩種:小組 及個別課。
    小組:每組不多過6人,師生比例為:1:2 或 1:3,每星期一節,每節一小時
    個別:每星期一 或二節,每節四十五分鐘
    參加本課程前,本會導師會先跟學生 及家長作約30-45分種的見面,以作初步簡單的評估,找出學生的發展需要 及程度。接見後導師會作出 訓練建議,包括學生那方面的訓練較需要 和緊急、是否適合此課程 及最適合他的上課形式 (例:每星期上多少節課,小組 或個別或合拼)等
    無論個別課 或小組課,都會為每一位學生 設定適切其個別需要 及能力的學習目標、訓練策略 及活動



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