『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Training<br />
        - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
        - Self -Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
        - Concentration and Calmness<br />
        - Cognitive<br />
        - Language『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Training<br />
        - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
        - Self -Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
        - Concentration and Calmness<br />
        - Cognitive<br />
        - Language
Children/Youth Development and Learning Abilities』 Training
                                                                         Training Items
  1. Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination
 Sensory Training (Vestibule, Joints, Touch, Vision,, Audition) 、Muscle Tension、Posture Control/Balance, Limbs and Trunk Control, Motor Planning, Hands/Eyes/Mouth/Gross Motor Control, Limbs and Left/Right Coordination, Visual Tracking, Eye-Hand Coordination, Spatial Concept/Sense of Space, Pen Holding, Drawing/Writing etc
  1. Self-Awareness、Interpersonal Relationships and Interaction
Self-Awareness、Emotion Development、Mind Reading and Expression、Social Interaction、Body Language、Role Concept、Communication Skills、Social Rules etc
  1. Concentration and Calmness
Self-calming、Self-control、Awareness、Multi-sensory attention、Attention、Persistence、Multi-tasks skills etc
  1. Cognitive
Exploration(Body/Space/Objects)、Abstraction、Association、Logical thinking、Flexibility、Grouping、Multi-dimensional thinking、Creativity、Planning(Goal Setting、Organizing、Review、Revise)、Problem Solving、Sequencing、Memorization  etc
  1. Language
Pre-lingual skills : Auditory、Discrimination、Imitation
Vocabulary:Types、Natures、Relationships(synonymy and Antonym)、Meaning、Usages
Syntax and Language Usage: Fluency、organizing、Sentence structure、Lexical inferencing、Questioning、Answering、Narrating and Expression、Discussion、Sharing…etc
Comprehension:Summary、Main  idea、Paragraph structure
Communication Skills:Inducing / Continuing / Transference / Ending、Response、Questioning、Word choice、Answering… etc
Vocalization:Articulation、Fluency、Voice etc
  1. Integrated Training
Training contents is based on individual children’s special needs
  Individual Training ‧ 45 minutes per session ‧ minimum 2 sessions per week

Remark:Training objective is subjected to the assessment result and will be discussed with parents.。    ' Inquiries Telephone: 2528 4096

『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Training<br />
        - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
        - Self -Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
        - Concentration and Calmness<br />
        - Cognitive<br />
        - Language『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Training<br />
        - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
        - Self -Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
        - Concentration and Calmness<br />
        - Cognitive<br />
        - Language
