『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Assessment<br />
      - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
      - Self-Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
      - Concentration and Calmness<br />
      - Cognitive<br />
      - Language<br />
      - Integration Abilities
Children/Youth Developmental and Learning Abilities』  Assessment

A ) Aged under 3 

Assessment Items
  • Content:  Sensory Response, Motor Skills, Cognitive Abilities, Social Communication, Language, Self-care etc
  B ) Aged 3 and above
Assessment Items

B 1) Sensory Integration and Motor Skills
  • Content: Body Posture and Control, Sense of Balance, Body Coordination and Planning, Visual Tracing, Hand and Eye Reaction, Visual Awareness, Sense of Space, Abilities in copying/writing, Holding Pen Abilities  etc.

B 2) Self Development and Social Communication Skills
  • Content: Self Awareness Ability,  People Relationship, Mind Reading and Expression, Role Concept, Social Rules, Emotion Response and Handling, Social Game Technique, Interactive Communication etc.

B 3) Cognitive Learning Abilities
  • Content: Concentration, Memory, non-verbal Logic Thinking,  Imagination, Organizing, Orders, Problem Solving, Flexibilities, Mathematic Basic Concept, Reading and Writing in English and Chinese  etc

B 4) Language and Speech Abilities
  • Content: Language Comprehension, Expression, Pronunciation, Language Usage, Fluency, Tone and Oral Function etc

B5) Integration Abilities
  • Content: Assess the child based on the difficulties he/she is presenting if the child suffers from developmental imbalance, including sensory integration, motor skills, self awareness, interpersonal relationship, cognitive learning abilities, language and speech abilities. If needed, an investigation on family constellation and the child’s past traumatic experience could allows us to discover the reasons behind the problems the child is presenting and methods to resolve the problem.
 Fee: HK$1,800 per hour (Average Approx. 2-3 hours)
1. Assessment is in charged by Child Developmental Consultant, Ms. Ann Chen who works with other team members of various professional disciplines such as Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and Educational Psychologist。
2. The time required above includes interview parents and child, Assessment and Clinical Observation (through games activities)。
3. Result will discuss with parents on the same day if only one assessment item is conducted。       
4. If more than one assessment items are to be conducted, the result meeting will be held within two weeks after completion of all assessment items. (approx 45 minutes,  for free)。
5. If written report is needed, it costs HK$850/page, usually 2-5 pages/report
6. If there are any questions on selecting assessment items, you are welcomed to contact Child Developmental Consultant, Ms. Ann Chen.  Ms. Chen will help you to select the appropriate assessment item/s after having a brief understanding of the child’s background information.
7. Booking or Inquiries:   Telephone:  2528 4096    Whatsapp 5720 8321.  Fax: 2528 4347
     Email :


『Children Development and Learning Abilities』 Assessment<br />
      - Sensory Integration and Motor Coordination<br />
      - Self-Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship and Interaction<br />
      - Concentration and Calmness<br />
      - Cognitive<br />
      - Language<br />
      - Integration Abilities
